“No one is better prepared to take you from poor to prosperous than we are.”
Because we did it for ourselves
first, then for thousands of others!
When you follow our 5 pillars of wealth, and take advantage of our wealth-building network, you can ONLY succeed. Failure is not possible. And we’re ready to help you.
Dear Friend,
I was just like you once ...

I wanted and needed more cash and financial stability in my life.

But more than that, I wanted what I saw others enjoying ....

A true, stress-free, wealthy life with financial freedom, and lasting security and comfort.

If I’m right, and you need those thing too ...

I hope you read this letter to the end so it can IMPACT on your life by giving you:
  • Confidence where there was once uncertainty.
  • Clarity where there was once confusion
  •  A crystal clear path to lasting wealth, no matter how little you have now.
Over 50,000 members strong!
Just stick with me for a few minutes, and I’ll unlock the great potential you already have to change your life in a dramatic way. I’ll take you by the hand and walk with you down the easy path to ...
  • Quitting your job
  •  Enjoying an abundance of cash ...
  •  Taking care of your family the way you want to ...
  •  Having long term financial security ...
  •  Generously giving back to important causes around you ...
Now, I know these are lofty, life-changing goals.

But they are important goals for most people. Everyone wants more joy, peace and financial security. But most people will never get these. So I’m here to not just tell you or show you, but to personally help you achieve them.
If nothing else, I will show you how to make lots and lots of money ...
IF you follow along exactly as I advise you.
Hi, my name is Brian Fouts, owner of The Elevation Group.

I lead a group of regular, working-class people (including myself) who went from nothing to A LOT in a short period of time, with a proven formula for success.

And I am absolutely, personally committed to bringing you my A level best to help you get to where I am now
... a financially-secure entrepreneur and investor.

Let me tell you how I turned the tables on my life ...

Just a few years ago I worked a regular office job like you might right now. I followed the traditional path ... I did what everyone around me did ... went to school, got a job, worked hard, saved a little bit of money in a 401k.

And I hoped that someday I would finally retire and be able to enjoy the “good life.”

I was “getting by” as a construction manager. Yet, I was a slave to my job. It controlled my time, and my life. Life in a cubicle, working for a limiting, mediocre paycheck WASN’T what I wanted.

I also had a growing family with two kids that were seriously straining my paycheck.
But a couple devastating events really got my attention ...
You see, when I was a kid, I looked up to my grandfather, Jim. He was a very well-respected man in the town where I grew up.

He was the high school baseball coach and everyone loved him. The high school stadium is even named after him. He had lots of grandkids, and he looked forward to spending more time with them in retirement.

Unfortunately, he had to work into his sixties in order to have enough retirement income for him and my grandmother to get by.

Once retired, they bought a small motor home so they could travel to all the grandkid's sporting events around the state. But less than 6 years after he retired, he got sick ...

His kidneys started failing and he went on dialysis. They sold the motor home and his fishing boat. Then to make matters worse, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. So he spent the last few years of his life sick.

And NEVER enjoyed the retirement he dreamed of. It seemed so unfair.

But that was a huge wake up call! I didn’t want to wait until retirement to travel, have fun and enjoy life and time with my family. I wanted that NOW. But at the time, I didn’t know a different path. I just thought, “I’ll work harder and try to be more successful at my job.”

Then, while I was trying to work harder, I read an article in a financial magazine reporting that most people don’t know their net worth. That may sound odd, but it made me wonder after working 10 years, what is mine? I had no idea.

So I added up my assets, the things I owned ... Cars, home, etc. Then I added up my liabilities ... Mortgage, loans and debts. And the results made me sick ...

If I sold ALL my assets, and paid off ALL my debts ... I’d STILL BE IN DEBT!

Yikes! And not only would I still be in debt, I would get further into debt each year at the rate I was going. That
was the second trigger I needed to do something different, starting NOW!

My brother, Jake, was at a similar point in his life, so we decided to challenge each other to ...
Become as wealthy as possible, in the shortest amount of time ...
We wanted to be investors. So we started reading books on real estate, following successful entrepreneurs, going to investing meet ups, wealth events, masterminds ... whatever we could.

We started building a network, we found mentors and coaches, and we took action. We bought some income properties and did incredibly well. But there was also a lot of painful trial and error. In fact, we worked with one investor who ultimately lead to us LOSE $500K. That was a VERY HARD lesson.

But we got back up, dusted ourselves off and kept going. By then it was clear to us that we COULD succeed, because we had learned how. So we kept this vision in our minds .... And knew it was just a matter of time.

And that’s when we found the Elevation Group. That’s right, we were members before we became the owners. That’s because when we found The Elevation Group, I was absolutely blown away. All of a sudden, I was invited to PEEK behind the curtain into the lives of wealthy, successful investors and world class entrepreneurs!

The Elevation Group gave me access to the powerful, and hidden, strategies of America’s wealthy elite. I got access to the SAME wealth-building advisers they used. Advisors that helped me implement everything I was learning.

So if you are now wondering, “Can The Elevation Group help me go from a little, to a lot?” The answer is YES! And that is what I want to share with you!

In fact, since we now OWN the company, you have my personal guarantee of success ... We will help you rise to the position of a wealthy, financially-stable entrepreneur ... guaranteed!

You see, after we started with them, we quickly grew our wealth on our own by partnering with others. People who make 8 and 9 figure incomes each year. I personally went from LOSING $500k to making $10k, $20k, even $30k a month from my new investments and businesses alone.

This one bold move transformed my life and my brother’s too. We saw, quick, massive success.

But again, you need to remember, we didn't start off as “Savvy Investors” or “Financial” gurus. We were not privileged. We were just two, average, working-class guys who made a smart move, just like I hope you’ll make today.

Which means, regardless of your current  job, income, education or bank account, you CAN do this just like I did!

As we succeeded, we felt strongly that we had to help others who were in our same position ... For example, we helped our friend Jacob go from barely surviving on his paycheck from a government job, to being a 7-figure investor and entrepreneur. In fact, he just recently bought another business to add to his portfolio!
We grew so successful with the help of The Elevation Group, and knew we could help so many good people with it, WE BOUGHT IT!
And for the past 8 years we've connected with, partnered, invested, done deals with, and created businesses and investments with some of the wealthiest investors in the world.

And that same wealth network is waiting for you now!

Once you join us, YOU will be connected with people like Entrepreneur, Michael Weis, a successful fund manager, entrepreneur and investor. And Keith Cunningham, a successful entrepreneur, internationally-known speaker and author. Keith is one of the world’s foremost experts on business mastery and has mentored thousands of executives.

He’s worked with success giants like T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Tony Robin, Robert Kiyosaki and more. He teaches the tools and strategies used by the pros, not only to make money, but also to keep it.

As a self-made millionaire, Keith is an expert at helping new business owners turn fledgling businesses into highly profitable companies with explosive growth.

Since taking over the Elevation Group we've been able to connect thousands of people like you, with today’s wealth-making masters. We have helped people like, Tanisha Phillips, who says ...
"This group is like attending the Wealth University. I went to college for 6 years and got $15,000 in debt to get a job living check to check. I’m glad you’re looking out for little people like myself. Thanks!“

And David Ness who says... “EVG gave me the freedom to make my own investment choices.“

Or Tim Murphy who said ... "EVG handed me the information on how to build my family's wealth today."
In addition to the connections we can help you make, the information contained inside the Elevation group is amazing! This is information we learned through thousands of hours of interviews with wealth experts and strategists, successful entrepreneurs and business owners that we knew would be a BIG help to others like you.

We wanted to train, teach and coach people so they could finally realize their financial dreams. Because we knew what we had done in a short time, most people will never accomplish ... unless they get some expert, personal help.

So we took everything the Elevation Group had, and turned it into a system that anyone could copy and succeed with. A system with proven wealth-building tactics and strategies. A living, breathing wealth system. One that worked no matter where you start from, what your current financial situation is, or how much money you currently make.
And I promise you, if followed carefully, our system will absolutely change your life.
Here’s what Bob from Green Bay shared:
“We have been self employed for about 4 years now and if it weren't for EVG and the fact they taught us about Elevation Banking, we would have nothing at all to retire with when that time comes.”

“When I joined EVG, I had no idea how I would be able to ever retire. I wasn’t ready to retire yet, but I couldn’t see my- self retiring for a long time. When I joined EVG, I was ready for something new. I was running out of time and knew I needed to do something different.”

“We are now on track to be able to re- place my current income with passive income when I’m ready to retire.“

~ Bob, Green Bay
This system will help you break free from financial struggle and create a life of abundance, wealth and most importantly freedom!

The core of our system is called The 5 Pillars of Wealth ... And they show you exactly how to reach ALL your financial goals quickly and easily!
  • You'll discover how to create cash flow from thin air and fund your new life as a savvy, rich investor.
  •  You'll learn the #1 strategy for using other people’s money to fund deals and create massive wealth.
  •  You’ll discover one of my most profitable wealth-building strategies that involves using "house money" to leverage your investment returns and boost your cash flow.
  •  You’ll see how to become your own bank, so you can fund everything from a new car, to rental property, to passive assets, or even a exotic vacation, while that same money continues to work FOR you to grow your wealth.
  •  You’ll discover how to legally reduce your tax bill so you can put more money in your pocket.
  •  I’ll show you how to create passive income so you can quit your job when you’re ready, and finally pursue your life dreams NOW instead of waiting until you retire.
  •  You’ll discover how to create a financial legacy that provides for your children, your children’s children and beyond, or to support your favorite causes.
  •  And I’ll reveal a common financial mistake everybody makes (I did it too), and how to stop repeating it, so your wealth begins to grow almost immediately.
This is a wealth formula that is so easy, that if you take action, there's really NO way you can fail.
We've spent 20,000+ hours learning, studying, implementing and putting together this amazing wealth building system ...
And to best help others, we took those 20,000 hours of education, experience, training and investing and put it into a system you can use now. Our EVG Wealth Blue Print simplifies and streamlines your fast track to wealth.

No matter where you're starting from, there is something you can do in each of these 5 pillars to fastrack your finances. These pillars are your keys to the kingdom. And there is no faster way to build real, lasting wealth. They are:

1. Resource Extraction: You’ll learn how to be resourceful and find hidden cash to fund your new wealth building lifestyle.

2. War Chest Creation: With your new resources, you’ll begin to build a robust, wealth-building war chest to fund larger income-producing ventures.

3. Building a Fortress: You’ll learn how to protect your assets as they grow. How to keep the IRS away, and shield your growing wealth from financial predators.

4. Rallying The Troops: You’ll see how the 1% uses their money to make MORE money, and how you can do it too.

5. Leaving Your Legacy: When it’s time to pass your wealth along, you’ll learn how to make the biggest impact possible. Leaving your family with financial security for generations to come.

You'll quickly see that it doesn't take much money to start on these. And even if you're in the worst financial situation you can imagine right now, you can turn things around with our help. I'm going to surround you with smart people that will do the work for you, to help you build your wealth.

You’ll get have instant access to powerful resources, opportunities and financial strategies that will help you start. And that’s what makes the Elevation Group so incredible and unique. We give you access to the TOP advisors, resources, connections and tools, the same ones we use ourselves to add to our wealth pile.

We’ll help you identify which of our available resources and opportunities are best suited to your current situation, and how to leverage them to build more wealth.

Remember, we do this every day for people just like you. You’ll join the ranks of the truly wealthy, what I call the wealthy inner circle. Thousands of people who learned our secrets of wealth attraction, cash flow generation and financial independence.

For example, one strategy I implemented while still working my 9-5 job saved me $6k in taxes the first year! Then I saved $6k the next year and every year after! It is literally FREE money! Or a $6k raise I didn’t have to beg my boss for.

We also took the advice of another Elevation Group advisor and started a new marketing business from scratch, with NO experience, and made a 6-figure income the first 6 months! You can’t make this stuff up. We were floored!
And keep in mind, we still worked full time while we did this. This income was from one single strategy, and a side business that ran on autopilot. In fact, here’s a snapshot of a bank statement from that business over a recent 30 day period ... $23k.

And this is one of our smaller income sources, yet it grows by 20% every month.
I’ll be honest, the money is great. But the best part of my new life is the freedom I have to do what I want, when I want. I have ultimate freedom to:
  • Spend my time how I want
  •  Be my own boss
  •  Spend more time having fun with my family and traveling
  •  Enjoying my classic car collection
  •  Not be pinned down by a paycheck, and a job, so I can spend my time and my money how I want.
  •  Eat lunch with my kids or wife, even in the middle of the day, on a Wednesday
What about you? Besides more money, do you also want ...
  • More freedom
  •  More income
  •  To be your own boss
  •  To experience more of what life has to offer
  •  Less stress and worry over income, bills, debts and strain
Of course you want more money ...
So let us help!
Then, take a small chance on us and let’s go! We’re ready right now to help you do things you’ll find in Pillar 1, like ...
  • Restructure your personal budget and eliminate waste. There are things you spend money on now like sub- scriptions and gym memberships that you don’t need. Eliminating these things from your budget allows you to easily put from $200 to $2,000 or more in your pocket each month.
  •  Change your W2 withholdings, so you have more money to use NOW. Instead of giving the IRS a free loan, YOU get that money NOW. Changing your W2 withholdings, can put up to $230 in cash in your hands each month.
As you can see, by just making a few small, no-cost changess, you’ll be surprised at how much money you’ll create and use to build your wealth.
Then we’ll show you how to do what I call the “medium effort” tasks. This includes things like ...
  • Asking for a raise. You’d be surprised how many people instantly increase their cash flow by simply asking for a raise.
  •  Finding a new, higher paying job. Changing employers is a great way to increase your income. I switched employers one time and increased my yearly salary at the time by $7,000. We can help you with this.
  •  Discover a new skill online. There are tons of training programs online you can use today to easily learn a new skill that will help you make extra money. You can easily make a few hundred dollars a month online.
And, if you’re really anxious to build your wealth as quickly as possible, you can do what I call getting MORE involved ...
  • Become a real estate investor. Start by doing wholesale deals and other no-money-down transactions.
  •  Start your own business. A side business can easily generate $1,000, $2,000, even $5,000 of extra cash flow a month. In fact, many of our members are now full time business owners who generate $100k to $200k or more a year.
  •  Take a skill you already have and become a consultant.
  •  Or buckle down and get a second job. For example, you can drive for Uber in your spare time. Doing this one day a week for 6 to 8 hours can generate $500 of income a month.
This is just pillar one! And as you can see, the more involved you are, the more money you make, and the faster you’ll be able to take advantage of all of the other opportunities we have.

That brings us to pillar #2: Taking money off the table ...

In pillar #1 you find resources, discover extra cash, start a side business, or start doing some wholesale real estate deals.

Then, it’s time to use that money to get more. And one of my favorite strategies is Elevation Banking, or becoming your own bank. This allows you to use your OWN money to finance your largest purchases, while your money continues growing. So you could use your money to buy a car for example ...

And the money you borrow STILL earns interest. PLUS, as you pay yourself back, you’ll collect interest on the money. You win both ways. It’s truly incredible!

It’s by far one of the easiest ways to take money off the table. And when you do you’ll be playing with your OWN money. Once you get this dialed in, you’ll never need to go to the bank for a loan again.

And don’t worry if you haven’t heard of this, don’t worry. I’ll show you how to get it all set up. But just to show you how powerful Elevation Banking is ...
  • You no longer have to use banks and credit cards
  •  You have financial security for the future
  •  You put your money to work for you in TWO places
  •  You acquire assets and investments that pay YOU
  •  And you’re able to take advantage of investment opportunities when they arise
There’s nothing like it! And it’s something you’ll start using immediately.

Plus, there are more ways to take money off the table and use it to grow your wealth ... You can invest in long term, consistent growth stocks that have performed well over time. These will easily get you 4-6% returns year after year.

You can also invest in gold and silver ... These proven commodities fluctuate, and are a good investment for your portfolio.

You can invest in art ... Something that many wealthy people do to park their money somewhere safe. And art typically appreciates very well over time. You can get 10%, 50%, 200% returns.

You can put your money in money market accounts ... This is a great places to put your money because you get a better return than a savings account. Plus, they’re liquid and accessible. These types of accounts can earn 1%-2% returns.

Finally, you can invest in tax liens ... This is a little more advanced, but it’s a great way to get a 10-20% return.

Again, these are for slow consistent, predictable growth. To sum up, this pillar helps you take money you already have, and invest it, so it can safely grow to be used later to buy cash flowing assets.

Now pillar 3 is an important one, It’s the Protection Pillar. The goal is to keep what you make. Because as you start to TAKE ACTION on Pillar one and two, you’ll have plenty to protect. More than you can imagine right now.

And to be clear, this pillar isn’t just about asset protection, it’s also about your taxes. One thing I noticed about the wealthy is that taxes are always on their mind. They’re always planning so they don’t overpay. Everything they do financially is to get the BEST possible tax advantages.

And if you want to be rich, you need to start thinking like the rich. And for most people, taxes are the LARGEST expense you have ... 20-40% of your income goes to taxes! So like the wealthy, you must reduce this expense and keep as much as you can of what you make. Which basically becomes free money.

And as we go through this, you’ll see that this shift in mindset makes a world of difference! The rich are proactive. The poor are reactive. The rich plan. The poor have NO plans. They live paycheck to paycheck, and are usually just one crisis away from being wiped out. Now ...

When you get to pillar #3 ... You’ll learn how to create an LLC, a very easy thing to set up in most states, and it opens the door to the best tax strategies!

So as you start your side business, your real estate business etc, an LLC will help reduce your tax liability and funnel profits or income to your bank account instead of the IRS.

This can mean an additional $1,000 a month of income for you! And there are hundreds of LLC gems you can take advantage of.

And as part of your asset protection planning, you can also create a family trust. This puts a security net around your personal assets. And is a huge deal for probate protection. When you create a family trust, you add a layer of protection because the trust controls your assets and it protects your privacy.

Now, pillar #4 is one most people are really excited about ... Because it’s all about cash flow assets. This is where you get to create serious wealth! I simply call it Investments and assets.

This is different from the investments we talked about in pillar 2. Those don’t bring in passive cashflow ... but the assets and investments in Pillar 4 do. This is where you take money you set aside, and have grown, to create passive income streams. Pillar 4 investments include:
  • Real estate properties ... When first starting out, my brother and I were making $150, $600, up to $1,000 or more in extra cash flow from just a few properties. One of our members, Nathan, now has 4 properties and is getting $2,000 in monthly cash flow. That’s $24,000 of extra income each year.
  •  Options trading strategies ... Where you get $2,000 to $5,000 or more in cash flow a month.
  •  Oil and gas ... Which have incredible returns of 15%, 30% or more on your money. The first year I invested in oil and gas, because of the tax advantages, I got a tax refund of $24,000.
  •  Lending and partnerships ... Investors that lend on real estate routinely get a 20% return and great cash flow.
  •  As well as certain funds that invest in real estate that pay consistent returns of 8-12%.
  •  Investing in or buying a business ... One of our members recently started a business that makes $30,000 a year, with a strategy he learned through EVG. And another member just started one that did $600k it’s first year.
And that brings us to our final pillar, Pillar number 5. Legacy ...

This is how you’ll be remembered, and how to use your wealth for future generations. But it also includes strategies to educate your children on financial responsibility. As well as plan for their education and financial future. And it’s how your money will be distributed once you’re gone.

This includes aspects of Elevation Banking, family trusts and even charities or causes you’d like to contribute to. To give you some examples ...

You’ll have a lot more money than you think. And one way to protect and plan for your money’s future is to use off-shore trusts. These are great for protecting assets and sheltering them for future generations. And they come with some very effective tax strategies.

Finally, you’ll look at charitable contributions. Your favorite charity may be a church or other group. We have chosen to help people through Virgin United and Make a Wish. Now ...

As you can see, these five pillars are simple and can change your life! By following them, you will do amazing things for your financial situation. This is the exact formula our team has spent the last several years perfecting.

And I’m certain that if YOU take action, you’ll get results, and see more cash flow that you previously thought was impossible. And remember, we help you succeed every step of the way!

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. And if you like what you’ve seen so far, you'll love what I've got for you next ... An invitation to join our Insiders community. To join us on our ongoing journey to search out the best experts, advisors, and strategies, and bring them to you as part of our EVG community.

We’ve already brought together the best of the best wealth experts, their training and strategies, investment opportunities, resources and connections you need to unlock your true wealth potential. The EVG Insiders Club is a private community dedicated to providing you and all members with in-depth trainings, exclusive resources and the valuable connections you need to create, build and expand your wealth in the shortest time possible.

With these valuable resources, you can do what I did just a few years ago that changed my life for good!
So here’s what you get when you join the EVG Insiders Club:
With the expert lessons in Pillar 1 ...

You’ll be taught by expert entrepreneurs how to start your own home business. And you’ll have $200, $2,000 or more in cash flow per month by implementing a few easy strategies.

You’ll identify your next step to creating more cash flow through an online business or new strategy. Take steps towards starting a business, buy an existing business, or get a side income going and create incredible cash flow in your life so you can take the next steps to building wealth.

Next is pillar two ...

You’ll be mentored directly by expert advisors to Robert Kyiosaki about retirement planning and how you may be at serious risk. And learn from a top expert financial advisor on the wealth strategies of the ultra-rich.

You’ll get lessons by a leading expert on how to become your own bank. And tutorials on easy strategies to start putting your cash to work for you.

We go out and find the experts who advise the wealthy. We interview them, learn their strategies, invest our own money with them. And then bring them to you on a silver platter. You get plugged into a network, an inner circle of elite, true wealth experts. You also get coaching directly from them!

Next you have pillar three ... Where you keep and protect your cash and your assets.

You’ll discover basic asset protection all the way through advanced asset protection from one of the foremost advisors of wealthy families. You’ll learn how a business can protect you and give you incredible tax benefits as well.

When you dive into the lessons in Pillar three, you’ll have a firm grasp on how to play the tax game and win. And how you can keep as much of your money as possible.

Pillar four ... Is where we bring you profitable investment opportunities. You’ll learn from a leading real estate firm on how to invest in passive real estate and also how you can acquire properties directly.

We recently had 10 of these cash flow properties bought by our members... members who used our 5 pillars to create a war chest, that they then put to work in real estate.

You’ll discover how the rich invest in oil and gas and how you can do the same through our expert advisors. You’ll see how multi-million dollar real estate deals are put together. And how to invest in paper assets for cash flow.

And in Pillar five ... We’ve brought in expert advisors to see how they created a legacy. You’ll see how to set up a business for your children so they can learn about entrepreneurship. You’ll discover how to teach your children to be financially self-reliant from a leading real estate developer.

And you’ll see how advanced tax strategies can benefit you once your wealth is built with help from our expert ad- visors.
Now... in addition to EVERYTHING you’ll get in the EVG Insiders Club ... we still have more ...
We’ve also built and put together 20 personal financial calculators for you. If you want to know your net worth ... we have one for that. Need a credit assessment ... a home budget analysis ... Tax calculators ... they’re in there.

We give you 26 different investment calculators. So you know what your ROI may be, or what the future value of an investment might be. Plus, if there’s a calculator you need, and don’t see, just let us know and we’ll build it. Each calculator has step-by-step instructions.

You also get access to our archives with previous live recordings and Q&A with our members. We also have the EVG rolodex ... Everyone we’ve met in our mission to continually search out, find, and build relationships with experts and advisors. We’ve made these experts available to you as a member. When you’re ready to work with them, just let us know and we’ll make a personal introduction.

These are the experts the wealthy turn to. And you’ll have direct access to ALL of them. So, as you can see, you’re getting a ton of insider access. To be honest, I don’t know anywhere else you can get this exclusive access and content without paying $25,000 or more. It just doesn’t exist!

In fact, I pay over $20,000 a year for just ONE mastermind to get access to only one or two of these advisors. And I’m in at least three masterminds. So how much would it cost you to get access to all of them ...

To learn real estate from a “guru,” you could pay $2k or $3k for just that ONE strategy. Or you can pay $25k and get real estate coaching.

But don’t worry, I already have access to everything, and everyone you need.

You’ll get access to the SAME wealth building strategies used by the top 1%. And I don’t want you to wait ... We want you to succeed ASAP. That’s why we put detailed, step-by-step trainings inside The Elevation Group membership. The first thing you get when you join EVG is access to exclusive in-depth trainings walking you through all five pillars.

In each pillar you’ll learn the strategies we discussed earlier at the deepest level. Plus dozens of others. We’ll walk you through strategy after strategy and lay out for you EXACTLY what you need to do.

And we’ll provide you with all the resources you need to implement each strategy. Want to start an online business? We’ve already done the leg work for you. We’ve included the best money-making business trainings we could find.

You’ll have your pick of the most profitable business opportunities, all vetted by our experts. Just pick one and get started with our help! Want to become your own bank. We’ll walk you through how to do it. We’ll even give you access to the same expert that set up our own Elevation Banking accounts.

Tax questions, passive income strategies, growth strategies, trusts and off-shore banks? Questions about gold, silver, options trading, the stock market, crypto, real estate? It’s all inside. Step-by-step lessons just waiting for you. Each pillar is fully covered, organized, and flows in such a way that makes it easy to follow and DO.
The Elevation Group Private Wealth Community is the most thorough wealth building program in the world!
You’d easily pay $14,985 just for the training and resources located in all 5 pillars! But that’s not even close to all you get. Because inside the members area you also have access to hundreds of hours of interviews, webinars and additional bonus trainings.

Some of these trainings sell individually for up to $1997. And there are several of them inside. So in addition to the $14,985 just for the trainings, you’re looking at, at least an additional $9,997 in video and bonus training content. That’s a total of $24,982. And it’s worth every penny, I can assure you!

In fact, it’s worth a lot more. Maybe 10X more. So if all these tools, resources and trainings could give you true financial freedom, unlimited wealth and the chance to become truly rich, would it be worth $24,982 to you?

It took many years and over a million dollars to put together all the advisors and resources for you. But you won’t pay the tens of thousands of dollars it’s worth. You won’t even pay half or a quarter of that. Here's all we ask ...

... $1997 for one full year of The EVG Insiders Club. That’s it.

And I know this is a significant investment. But this is your livelihood and your future. This is the most important decision you'll make when it comes to your financial success.

If you could talk to our members, and see the phenomenal success they are having, they would tell you they’d happily pay double or triple the price we ask. They have made MANY more times their investment with our help. And it’s a drop in the bucket compared to a college education. But so much better!

So I hope you’ll do this now for yourself and your family. And when you do, you'll get the single greatest ad- vantage available to people like you looking to build real wealth in the shortest time possible. In fact, I personally guarantee your financial success. Plus, you’ll get some awesome bonuses when you act now ...

Your first bonus is our Full EVG Real Estate Success Course ...

Real estate is what started me on my wealth-building journey, and I want you to have every advantage at your fingertips as you start yours. Real estate is by far one of the fastest ways to build your wealth.

You don’t even need money to start. We broke it down into simple, easy-to-follow steps, videos, calculators, PDFs, follow alongs, case studies, step-by-steps, tools, everything you could possibly need.

This course alone usually sells for $1,997 ... But it’s yours for FREE right now when you join. And in addition to getting this complete, fully-streamlined approach to investing in real estate and making money as fast as humanly possible ... you’ll also get ...

Bonus number two ... Our full Cryptocurrency Success Course.

There is a ton of talk right now about investing in crypto currencies. Some people think the run is over. Others think it’s just getting started. In this complete introductory crypto course, you’ll learn EVERYTHING you need to know about investing in crypto currency.

You’ll learn what cryptocurrency is and how it works. You’ll learn effective strategies for buying cryptocurrency. And so much more. Crypto is still hot. And we want you to thoroughly understand it, how it works, and most of all how to profit from it.

Our cryptocurrency success course sells on its own for $1997. But again, right now, just for taking action ... it’s yours 100% FREE. And you also get ...
Bonus number three ...

Enrollment in our six-week EVG Insiders Club quick start series. We meet each week on a webinar where we’ll break down each pillar. We’ll go into detail, walk you around the members area and make sure you know how to start as quickly and as profitably as possible.

I don’t want anything to stand in the way of your success. So, I’ll personally walk you through ALL five pillars. Then in week six, we’ll cover questions. I’ll stay on as long as you need me to. I’ll answer every question you have, and make sure you have everything you need for success.

If there's something out there that I believe can benefit you, and I can get it for you for free, I’ll try my hardest to do it. I hunt people down, stalking them practically, until I get the deal I want! And then I’ll put them into the members area for you to use. These quick start webinars are no different ...

As we go through each pillar, if there’s something I think you’ll benefit from, a resource, strategy, tool, anything, I’ll do my best to get it for you. Which is why I am giving you the real estate and the crypto courses. Courses we sell every day. But you get them now for FREE.

EVG Success Story ...
Jacob is an EVG member who we helped get started in real estate. All he could spare was 5 hours per week to learning. And still, it only took him 4 months to succeed.

In that time he did one deal, then another, then another. Now, he’s a full-time real estate investor.

He also happens to live here by us. And just recently I saw him downtown in the middle of the day. I said, “Shouldn’t you be at work?” He said, “ I am. I’m signing documents on a new property!”
Now in addition to the real estate course, the crypto masterclass and the six-week quick start series ... You also get access to ... Elevation Live. Each month we interview an expert investor, financial advisor, real estate investor or entrepreneur live. This is your opportunity to learn first-hand their tips, strategies and secrets to building wealth.

When you attend these calls live, you can ask your own questions and get them answered instantly. And as a member of EVG, you get access to these monthly calls absolutely FREE. We normally charge $97 a month. But when you join us now, your access is 100% FREE.

But that’s not all ... As an Elevation Live member you also get access to EVERY call we’ve ever done. I’m talking hours of priceless, wealth-building information -- all yours FREE.

You also get access to our live monthly Q & A calls. This is your chance to get ALL your questions answered live and in person each month ... Questions about Elevation Banking ... Real Estate ... building a business ... boosting your cash flow or anything else. We’ll be there to answer them, give you advice, direction or point you in the right direction.

Each month, we’ll explore a variety of topics based on the questions asked by EVG members, and we’ll dive into all of them. To put this in perspective, we charge as much as a thousand dollars per day or more for this private coaching.

But as an member of EVG ... You’ll get access to me and my team each month absolutely FREE. But that’s not all. As an Elevation Group member you also get access to EVERY Q & A call we’ve ever done. Again, hours of questions and answers, real actionable content ... all waiting for you NOW.

It’s all yours when you become a member now. But wait there’s more ...

Our Wealth Blue Print ... This is our proprietary, online wealth planning tool. It’s designed to help you create the PERFECT wealth building plan specifically for YOU. And to keep you focused and on track. It helps you stay the course while navigating the 5 pillars. It’s also a valuable road map to help you along your wealth building journey.
And finally, I’ve got one more thing for you ...
You’ll receive a one-on-one phone call with me to go over your wealth blueprint. Once you’ve gone through the training, the six week quick start, and have filled our your wealth blue print, you and I will get on the phone to review it together.

You and I will go over every line of your wealth blue print and make sure you’re on track to reach your goals. Now, with this bonus there’s one condition ... You MUST use the trainings and fill out the blue print. My time is valuable and I’m willing to help you any way I can, but you have to be serious.

And by being serious I mean doing the work and filling out the blueprint. When you do, there’s nothing I won’t do to help you achieve your goals!

Once you sign up for The EVG Insiders Club, you'll get EVERYTHING I just told you about. But this is only available for a very limited time. And we’ve never offered all these bonuses as part of our EVG wealth community.

And I’m not sure we’ll make this offer again. The only other way to get the bonuses is to pay full price for them. And the six week coaching program is ONLY available to new members. As is the Insiders, and the monthly Q and A.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!
"Before EVG, I was so ignorant about everything and anything having to do with finances. The entire financial arena was a huge "blur". "I can’t imagine there is ANYONE out there who wouldn’t benefit from EVG, it comes that highly recommended."

"For me, EVG is one of those "RARE" finds we seldom come across that benefits us immensely. I no longer “fear” getting out there and making my own sound financial decisions. It’s truly life altering. It’s been such a contribution to my life, enriching me in so many ways and it even makes it easier to sleep at night."
Susan Collins - EVG Member
"I wanted to thank you guys for delivering such an amazing product & service. A friend sent me to EVG and I feel like I’m finally getting the answers that I knew were out there. I love how the lessons are in a simple video and diary format... and the value of your rolodex of experts in specialized fields is the no-brainer of the decade. I have already referred over 15 friends to EVG and continue to direct more people your way. EVG has a customer for life in Dallas, TX."
Wes Bewley - EVG Member
To get ALL our help, and change your life, you must join right now.
I'm 100% confident in our ability to help you succeed!

I’ll even make you a full, iron-clad guarantee ... When you join now, and use what's available to you inside the EVG community, along with our bonuses, you WILL succeed.

But, in the first 30 days of signing up, if you don't think that it’s worth 10X the price you paid ... If you don’t see an easy path to cash, wealth and financial freedom, you’ll get every penny back.

Just apply the strategies ... Follow the coaching ... Ask questions for the next 30 days. And if it’s not working for you, you get a full refund. No questions asked.

That's how confident I am in your success. To put my reputation on the line. I want to help you succeed. Because I know much these changes can improve your life. And I know how hard it is for most people to make these changes on their own.
We are focused purely and specifically on helping You make lots of money quickly.
Act now, and get full access to The EVG Insiders Club and all our in- credible bonuses. All backed by OUR FULL 100% money back guarantee.
  • You get access to member only investment opportunities.
  •  You get full access to all our network connections.
  •  You get a personal login to watch all the videos on every pillar.
  •  You get the EVG Real Estate course to learn how to profitably invest. • You get the Crypto Master class.
  •  The EVG live monthly expert calls.
  •  You get the monthly Q and A.
  •  You get my personal help and coaching.
  •  You get the support of a community who wants you to succeed!
So don’t wait! Act now. As soon as you sign up for EVG, you automatically get access to all the bonuses and member content.

This is a NO-risk decision that can impact you and your family for decades. I promise you will never regret what you are about to do.

And if you try to do this on your own, it will cost you 10 times more. More money, more time, and more lost opportunities.

You’ll never again have an opportunity like this. If you really want to be wealthy, and do it quickly and with as much precision as possible, you need EVG.
Everything you need is ready right here, right now to start.
We have the resources, the experience, the tools, the community, the advisors and everything else you need to succeed big. We can even help you with financing if we need to.

And the ONLY way you’ll ever know is to try. So if you don’t have a better plan, why not give it a shot and see. In a year from now, you’ll either be rich beyond belief, or you’ll be exactly where you are now.

I've seen it now time after time ... As members go from struggling to thriving!

We're here for you! Our help and support is always only one click away on every single member page. So if you need anything from us 24/7, you’ll get a fast reply.

Don’t spend the next decade struggling and losing money trying to do this alone.

Tap instantly into our expert wealth network now and step up to a new life! You’ll never be alone. That is my personal commitment. You’ll never have to struggle and waste time with trial and error like I did.

Let’s do this. I can’t wait to work with you!

Brian Fouts, CEO Evolution Group

P.S. We can only take on so many new members, so we can give them our full attention. So at some point, this offer will be taken down, as we fill our available spots. Don’t get left out. Do this now. Let us turn your small investment into a lifetime of abundant cash. I’ve already done this for thousands of others. And I promise I can do it for you.
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